2-day workshop plan.fr

Formación Interpretación Simultanea – DÍA 1

0 mins

  • INTRODUCCIÓN (5mins)

Porque esta formación? - importancia de idimoas para mov. Soc. - copartir conocimientos

NO es una formación profesional. Dos propósitos: 1. Desarrollar las habilidades para poder hacer el trabajo 2. Formaros para poder trabajar en equipo con profesionales


Send Handout – TERMINOLOGY in advance.

Active // Activa Passive // Pasiva A, B, C, language // Lengua A, B, C Relay Retour Chuchotage

Ronda (go round) – nombre, idiomas A, C, (B?) otros idiomas... experiencias de interpretación.



Simultanea Consecutiva Enlace (Liason)


Eres el punto de contacto entre dos personas que no se entienden. Es una posición de mucho poder. Lo que tu dices, el oyente va a poner en la boca del orador. Por lo tanto hay que ser lo más objetivo posible. En el contexto de la interpretación solidaria, es complicado, porque concretamente no eres neutra, eres una persona con opiniones y afinidad política. Pero a la hora de interpretar, es muy importante dejar tus opiniones de un lado. (Aunque a veces cuesta!!)

Cuando interpretes, se fiel a la persona del verbo: “I believe that...” se traduce como “Yo creo que...” y no “Ella cree que...”


  • BRAINSTORMING ¿Que es importante para la interpretación simultanea? (5mins)


  • MEMORIA (20mins)

EXERCICIO 1 3-4mins escuchar una noticia y luego repetirlo linea por linea


EXERCICIO 2 (10mins) line-by-line: ejercicio de memoria en grupo Text (FR?)



EXERCICIO 3.1 y 3.2 (20mins) En parejas:

A – cuenta atrás de 100 a 1 B – contar lo que has hecho el finde pasado y está mañana A – hacer un resumen en ES de lo que te ha contado B (Cambiar pareja y repetir)


  • EL ESTRÉS (5mins)

La cosa más importante para la interpretación es mantener la compostura. Ante el estrés, el cansancio, el panico... ante todo, mantener la compostura. Es más importante que dominar los idiomas o dominar el tema (mejor dicho, dominar los idiomas y el tema son una manera de poder reducir el estrés de tener que interpretar). Tendrás que buscar tus propias maneras de controlar tus emociones.

Cosas básicas que te pueden ayudar son: la respiración – del diafragma, respira hondo... la postura – sienta te bien, no te cierres, estate en una postura “alerta”

  • REFORMULACIÓN (5mins) Intencionalidad Entender lo que ha dicho y transmitir significado/mensaje, no traucir palabra por palabra de forma dadaista. Lenguaje de oyentes
    Para esto te sirven: Sinonimos, parafrases, colocaciones, contexto


EJERCICIO 4 – Sinonimos (10mins)

situación que va mal “el presidente dijó...” situación que va bien situación temporal situación inestable situación acabado


EJERCICIO 5 – Frases hechas (10mins)

En tu lengua materna 1 frase hecha, explicar, traducir juntxs...


PAUSA Té/Café/Galletas/Fruta (20mins)


EJERCICIO 6 Set up and explain: En parejas, repartir textos 5 mins Textos : Lengua A + Lengua B/C para cada persona (2 textos en ambos idiomas por pareja)


  1. “Shadow” en lengua A (20 mins)
  2. “Shadow” parafraseando en lengua A (30 mins) Do this right. It is the most important part of the exercise!!
  3. “Shadow” en lengua C (20 mins)
  4. Interpreta desde lengua C a lengua A (30 mins)


  • DEBRIEFING (10 mins) How did that feel Harder when someone is reading Tomorrow we will work on how to deal with some of the difficulties.


The best general practice exercise for interpretation, bar none, is sight translation. This consists of taking a text from your source language, which could be the text of a speech or, more usually, a magazine or newspaper article, and reading it out loud in your target language.

Now, the secret to the efficacy of this exercise is that you do it at a steady speed, never stopping for any obstacle, no matter whether great or small. If you come across a word you don't know, or an idiomatic expression that requires special thought to translate, and you don't have time to solve that problem at the speed you're going you skip it and carry on.

This is very important, you must work as if you were interpreting someone else. What you do is read pencil in hand and simply underline the troublesom passage, which you will then look up after you've finished the whole article. When you're first starting you can do this exercise as slowly as you like, even very very VERY slowly. That's fine. But what you're not allowed is to ever stop. Later you'll speed up, and in the meantime you'll accumulate a whole notebook of difficult expressions which you've encountered, floundered on, and later found a good equivalent for in your language. This notebook is worth its weight in gold.

Not obligatory, but almost as it's so very useful, is to record yourself while doing this (or any other interpreting exercise). When interpreting your diction must be as good as you can make it, without ahs and ums and mumbling or slurring. When you first hear yourself you're shocked at just how bad you are at speaking aloud. Recording yourself (and listening to the recording, natch) is the fastest path to good clear diction.

  • HOMEWORK prepare 3-5 min speech - sobre el tema de tu elección.

4 hours – CLOSE

Make BOOTH PLANNING for SIMULATED CONFERENCE – language of speaker, booth language etc. to make sure everyone does all 4 roles at least once.

Formación Interpretación Simultanea – DÍA 2

0 mins

  • LA VOZ te tienen que escuchar mucho rato entonces es importante: tono modulation volumen seguridad

  • PREPARACIÓN conocer el tema la terminologia intencionalidad del orador cultura, lenguaje común

How to make your own glossaries – glossaries for the weekend conference.

10 mins


  • BRAINSTORMING – Dificultades Numeros Nombres propios Fechas Acronymos Acentos Velocidad

VIDEO – speaking for interpreters (3 mins)

20 mins

EJERCICIO (10 mins) Escuchar un texto con muchos datos (numeros, fechas, nombres propios, acronymos)

  • TRUCOS Precisión – 28,748 → 28,700 → over 28,000 →+/- 30,000 etc... Mantener la calma, saltar frases si hace falta Tomar apuntes Trabajar en equipo Emergencia: Pide que hablen más despacio! (No es muy profesional!)

30 mins


Principal skill of interpreting: anyone who can do a good consecutive can learn simultaneous in a couple of sessions, but the same doesn't apply the other way around. It's really not an easy thing to teach in a short session! But here are some pointers.

Key to consecutive is memory. You must be able to remember what you've heard before you open your mouth to render it in your language. This is so whether or not you use notes: notes are just a memory aid, holding names, numbers, dates and so on. What you do NOT do with notes is take shorthand of what's been said. That is no help at all, quite the contrary.

So if your memory is trained you do five-minute consecs, and if it isn't you interpret after every sentence, but in either case the idea is the same. You listen attentively, remember what is said, keep track of the flow of ideas either in your head or through a series of keywords in your notes, and then render the speech in your language from memory with the aid of your notes if you have them.

Note taking So what's in the notes? As you listen to the speech, every time a new idea comes along you make a note to remember it by. This could be a word, an abbreviation, a symbol, an acronym. Something fast to write and easy to read, and which for you symbolises the whole idea that you'll have to repeat later. The object of this note is to help you render the flow of ideas back in the order they were given without skipping any, not to put down in writing the ideas themselves. There's no time for that: Interpreters are not court stenographers.

Another thing that goes in your notes is any number or date that comes up, because numbers are extremely burdensome on your short-term memory, and so you offload them to paper and don't even bother remembering them. You remember where they go, and read them off when you come to them. The same goes for names (people, places etc) and lists of things (speeches often contain lists, sometimes fairly long ones!)

There's a whole lot to say about notes, what they look like, how to organise them on the page, whether to use grammatical symbols as well as symbols for content, how many signs to have and of what type... it's certainly impossible to say all there is to say in a fifteen minute talk, and neither can I give you a complete explanation or even mention everything worth considering in an email. The above, then, is just a very minimal basis to help someone understand what they're supposed to do when they have to do consec. It's what I would tell them if I had fifteen minutes.

EJERCICIO (5 mins) Repeat otro texto con muchos datos (numeros, fechas, nombres propios, acronymos) take notes

Show and evaluate the notes taken by the interpreter, analysing how useful or otherwise they were to her performance.

EJERCICIO (30 mins) 30 minute ejercise, 1 speaker (isa?), Everyone sat in circle, taking notes, take it in turns to interpret a passage going around the circle.

1h05 mins


Tecnologías para facilitar (5 mins)

  • De Conferencia Trabajas en cabina más o menos insonorizado con cascos y micro Trabajas con una consola que te facilita controla el volumen y el canal que escuchas

Introduce how the booth works (10 mins) Bidule, Consola, Cascos, Spider, casquitos, micro, cables


  • Chuchotage “Whispering” (5 mins) Sin cascos, sin consola, dentro de la sala. “Susurando” a tus oyentes. Solo funciona por grupos reducidos de oyentes (cuanto más, peor) Al no ser que tienes una Maquina de Chuchotage aparato WIFI que te puedes susurrar a la maquina y te lo transmite a los oyentes.

  • Trabajo en equipo (5 mins) 20min on : 20 min off Apoyas a tú compañerx de cabina (p.ej. Tomando apuntes)

EJERCICIO (15 mins) Repetir ejercicio con otro texto con muchos datos (numeros, fechas, nombres propios, acronymos), pero en equipo - one takes notes, other has to feed back to group


PAUSA Té/Café/Galletas/Fruta (20mins)




2 floor mics (floor + consecutive) 2 cabinas montadas 3-5 oyentes x cabina

4 personas 2 xCabina – 1 interpreta, 1 apoya 1 poniente (1 consecutive? Según idiomas) 5 oyentes (+ profes) to give feedback.